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Monday, June 08, 2009


Steve Cole reports:

I love this show, and want to figure out ways to help Sea Shepherd shut down the Japanese whaling industry. (Just personally, I think fitting the MS Steve Irwin with underwater torpedo tubes would be the way to go, but ... I'm just saying....) Some think it strange that I am a save the whales guy (since I'm a Republican who thinks Global Warming is natural event being blamed on man to push a goofy socialist agenda) but I just really do like whales and wildlife. (Not snail darters, but whales, tigers, and other pretty animals, and sharks.)

My business partner, Steve Petrick (another Republican who thinks Global Warming is a scam) does not trust the Sea Shepherds. He points to their vegetarian galley and warns that once they stop the slaughter of whales, they'll work to stop the slaughter of cows.

This season on Whale Wars, they found the Japanese fleet very quickly. How? Somebody thought of something so obvious that even I did not think about it. A ship operating near the icepack with chunks of ice all around it has to use radar constantly, and you can detect a ship using radar from a long ways away. (The TV show said 400 miles, which seems a little far, but whatever. They did find it.) They were very clever. Their radar detector was a modified satellite TV dish which a crewman holds pointing in various directions to see if something is out there.

I cannot wait for next episode. Seems the crazy pirate captain is going to ram the factory ship in order to shut down the operation. (Surely not, but it makes an exciting "join us next week for..." film clip.)

I posted my ideas last year, most of which would get people sent to prison for piracy or murder or both. Things like EMP bombs and firing grenades (with the explosives replaced by sulphuric acid) at the harpoon guns. I still like the torpedo tubes idea, too. I wonder if we could not just take a Barrett 50 sniper rifle and fire armor piercing slugs into the harpoon guns and call it a season?