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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jean Sexton writes:

Habit provides a "safe zone" for many businesses and individuals. We develop procedures for doing tasks and we follow through on those. For the most part, this is a wise choice. There are reasons for routines and that is so a person can minimize risk and still get the job done.

There is a time when coasting can be detrimental to your personal life and to your business. When is the last time you checked your insurance to make sure that the coverage is adequate? For a business, what do you have in inventory, new equipment, and new computers? If you have replacement value, have you checked to see what it would cost to replace what you have? Is the upper limit on your insurance high enough to cover that?

For individuals and families, have you added new gadgets? Did you add an heirloom? If you have something collectible, have the values risen? Take some time to document what you have and to keep that file or a hard copy somewhere else.

If a disaster strikes, then that will be one less thing to worry about.