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Monday, January 22, 2007

Federation Commander Campaigns

It is the nature of wargaming that players are full of energy and creativity. Thanks to the internet, these creative and energetic people can find an audience. Some do things helpful to the game system, such as these guys:


I don't know much about them, and we just started talking with them. We plan to support their activities with graphics and other materials. If you want to do something on line that supports the game, please contact us. We won't stop you (unless you're giving away our products for free or selling illegal copies) but there are sometimes some legal things (such as posting a note that we gave you permission to use our stuff).

There are some bad things you can do (most of which aren't legal) such as publishing copyright-violating material (say, converting SFB spaceships to Fed Commander, or publishing ships based on The Next Generation which would tick off Paramount) but few people do such things. If you see someone doing that, let us know and we'll try to re-direct their energies into useful and legal directions.