Change can be good
Vanessa Clark, Marketing Director writes: Continuous changes keep a company moving forward. As a marketing and business student, one of the biggest mistakes my professors warn me about is "stagnation." If there is no change, how can one expect to move forward into the future? This is true for business as well as for personal growth in individuals.
Change is many times scary and therefore some are hesitant to change. This is one of hardest concepts to grasp in business and (once again) for individuals. It's so easy to just fall into complacency and do "what works" rather than pushing for more or making small changes to make something better. Sometimes you need a change (but have to study carefully what change is the right change), and sometimes change is thrust upon you (and you have to take the opportunity to find something better, not just replace the old one with an identical new one).
For those that have followed Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc., they see the changes that have been happening inside the company. SVC hired interns. The interns made changes from within to help company growth. Some of those changes were what the interns were hired to change, and others were changes that were needed if not realized. More graphics, newsletters, more hands on customer service for end customers as well as increased customer service with retailers and wholesalers; press releases, reviews, etc., etc., etc. the list goes on and on to the changes that have been happening with ADB, Inc.
Just when everyone was getting used to the new faces with ADB, Inc., we are upon another change. Jolene (our graphics designer) has moved on. She graduated in December and for those that have kept up with company gossip, you knew that she has a boyfriend, who recently popped the BIG question and became her fiance. With her fiance in Lubbock (attending medical school) and her here in Amarillo freshly graduated, it was time for her to spread her wings and make her way in world. She was hoping to attend graduate school there in Lubbock, which is closer to her soon to be husband, not to mention that she wanted the opportunity to find a job that would pay her as a "college graduate" rather than an intern. We will miss Jolene and wish her well, but as one door closes, another opens.
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. has once again listed a position with West Texas A&M University for another graphics intern to fill the place of Jolene. The intern jobs ADB offers are incredible opportunities. Interns at big companies make coffee and run errands; interns at ADB are doing real-world work with real money and real success or real failures.
We are pleased to open our doors to another student eager to learn the industry and we are welcoming another change as a new person brings new energy and ideas. In the weeks following, I'm sure we will find the right person to fill the graphics position and once again, there will be more change with the "new" person as they learn the company and we learn them.
Change is many times scary and therefore some are hesitant to change. This is one of hardest concepts to grasp in business and (once again) for individuals. It's so easy to just fall into complacency and do "what works" rather than pushing for more or making small changes to make something better. Sometimes you need a change (but have to study carefully what change is the right change), and sometimes change is thrust upon you (and you have to take the opportunity to find something better, not just replace the old one with an identical new one).
For those that have followed Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc., they see the changes that have been happening inside the company. SVC hired interns. The interns made changes from within to help company growth. Some of those changes were what the interns were hired to change, and others were changes that were needed if not realized. More graphics, newsletters, more hands on customer service for end customers as well as increased customer service with retailers and wholesalers; press releases, reviews, etc., etc., etc. the list goes on and on to the changes that have been happening with ADB, Inc.
Just when everyone was getting used to the new faces with ADB, Inc., we are upon another change. Jolene (our graphics designer) has moved on. She graduated in December and for those that have kept up with company gossip, you knew that she has a boyfriend, who recently popped the BIG question and became her fiance. With her fiance in Lubbock (attending medical school) and her here in Amarillo freshly graduated, it was time for her to spread her wings and make her way in world. She was hoping to attend graduate school there in Lubbock, which is closer to her soon to be husband, not to mention that she wanted the opportunity to find a job that would pay her as a "college graduate" rather than an intern. We will miss Jolene and wish her well, but as one door closes, another opens.
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. has once again listed a position with West Texas A&M University for another graphics intern to fill the place of Jolene. The intern jobs ADB offers are incredible opportunities. Interns at big companies make coffee and run errands; interns at ADB are doing real-world work with real money and real success or real failures.
We are pleased to open our doors to another student eager to learn the industry and we are welcoming another change as a new person brings new energy and ideas. In the weeks following, I'm sure we will find the right person to fill the graphics position and once again, there will be more change with the "new" person as they learn the company and we learn them.
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