The Star Fleet Universe Wishes Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Vanessa Clark: The Thanksgiving of Plymoth Rock was celebrated in 1621. The Pligrim's gave thanks for a bountiful harvest with Squanto and about 90 of his relatives. The Pilgrims were only actually expecting a few Indians; they didn't realize how BIG Squanto's family really was, yet they delighted and welcomed them all as different as they were. The Star Fleet Universe is the same. It is vast and still a frontier, full of unexplored wilderness and peoples. Yet, with each race we encounter, whether it's here on Earth or on the frontier of the great space, we welcome it.
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. would like to give thanks for a wonderful year. We are thankful for our wholesalers, distributors, retailers, loyal players and still yet, the new players. While we can not have a three day feast as Governor William Bradford and the rest of the Pilgrims and Indians did, we can wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Star Fleet Universe and the people in it. Thank you all for a wonderful year!
STEVE COLE ADDS: Be thankful you live in a democracy (well, those of you who do). If you liked the last election, you like democracy. If you did not , take faith that a future election will change that. Be thankful you have a family, if you do. Most of my life, Thanksgiving was my grandparents, their four daughters and (eventually) the eight grandchildren and sooner or later the grandchildren-in-law and then the great grand children started showing up. It was crowded and the "kids table" was populated by people over 40 and a new "kids table" was established down the hall. Then my grandparents passed and one of my aunts said she no longer wanted to hang out with her three sisters (she wanted to be the reigning grandmother of a smaller dinner instead of the second-oldest sister). Then my brother died and the other grandkids sat around moping that we weren't supposed to go until all the previous generation did. Then my father died and my mother was permanently hospitalized with a breakdown and the two remaining aunts didn't want to have Thanksgiving with me (or each other) for reasons I still don't grasp. Seems in just a few years my family Thanksgiving Dinner went from a peak of 30 to just me and Leanna (and those turkey-thieving mini-leopards I live with). Be thankful if you still have a family holiday dinner to go to.
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. would like to give thanks for a wonderful year. We are thankful for our wholesalers, distributors, retailers, loyal players and still yet, the new players. While we can not have a three day feast as Governor William Bradford and the rest of the Pilgrims and Indians did, we can wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Star Fleet Universe and the people in it. Thank you all for a wonderful year!
STEVE COLE ADDS: Be thankful you live in a democracy (well, those of you who do). If you liked the last election, you like democracy. If you did not , take faith that a future election will change that. Be thankful you have a family, if you do. Most of my life, Thanksgiving was my grandparents, their four daughters and (eventually) the eight grandchildren and sooner or later the grandchildren-in-law and then the great grand children started showing up. It was crowded and the "kids table" was populated by people over 40 and a new "kids table" was established down the hall. Then my grandparents passed and one of my aunts said she no longer wanted to hang out with her three sisters (she wanted to be the reigning grandmother of a smaller dinner instead of the second-oldest sister). Then my brother died and the other grandkids sat around moping that we weren't supposed to go until all the previous generation did. Then my father died and my mother was permanently hospitalized with a breakdown and the two remaining aunts didn't want to have Thanksgiving with me (or each other) for reasons I still don't grasp. Seems in just a few years my family Thanksgiving Dinner went from a peak of 30 to just me and Leanna (and those turkey-thieving mini-leopards I live with). Be thankful if you still have a family holiday dinner to go to.
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