This Week at ADB, Inc., 19-25 November 2017
Jean Sexton reports:
This was a week of steady work on current projects. Steve Cole was released from the hospital and is resting after a second surgery, although he is getting some work done. Leanna, Steven P. and Jean did take time to visit with him earlier in the week. We all gave thanks for our many blessings.
While Steve Cole was told to rest and recover, he still managed to make some decisions on ships for our store on Shapeways and to contribute on the BBS.

Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She spent time with Steve at the hospital and at home, hosting a Thanksgiving dinner.
Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory.
Simone did website updates and some graphics.
Wolf guarded the office vigilantly since Steve wasn't there much of the time. Wolf reports he chased away Shelob and her children.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 3,932 friends), released our game-room decorations on our store on Shapeways, uploaded more ships to Shapeways, managed our Twitter feed (243 followers), commanded the Rangers, dealt with the continuing spam assault on the BBS, managed the blog feed, took care of customers, and did some marketing.
This was a week of steady work on current projects. Steve Cole was released from the hospital and is resting after a second surgery, although he is getting some work done. Leanna, Steven P. and Jean did take time to visit with him earlier in the week. We all gave thanks for our many blessings.
While Steve Cole was told to rest and recover, he still managed to make some decisions on ships for our store on Shapeways and to contribute on the BBS.

This Federation Heavy War Cruiser Game-Room Decoration is on our store on Shapeways.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #53, quality control assembly and shipping, the Platinum Hat tree (which is now up and games are being played), and the Kzinti and Gorn Master Starships Books.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She spent time with Steve at the hospital and at home, hosting a Thanksgiving dinner.
Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory.
Simone did website updates and some graphics.
Wolf guarded the office vigilantly since Steve wasn't there much of the time. Wolf reports he chased away Shelob and her children.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 3,932 friends), released our game-room decorations on our store on Shapeways, uploaded more ships to Shapeways, managed our Twitter feed (243 followers), commanded the Rangers, dealt with the continuing spam assault on the BBS, managed the blog feed, took care of customers, and did some marketing.